A model showing the crystal structure of vanadyl phosphate


A model showing the crystal structure of the mineral barytes, barium sulphate (BaSO4)


A crystal structure model of the mineral corundum, otherwise known as alumina or aluminium oxide


Inorganic crystal structure models

There is a huge variety of inorganic crystal structures, and the number is growing, quite literally, by the day. with around 200,000 data sets entered in the ISCD alone. The variety of structures and structure types is phenomenal, with many of them displaying great beauty and interesting symmetries. Our Beevers models of inorganic crystal structures look stunning. Made from 7mm acrylic balls, drilled individually to give the exact bond angles, and held together with 1mm diameter bright polished stainless steel rods, they are precise and accurate representations of the structures behind so many modern, and not so modern, materials.

Our models differ from model kits from other suppliers because they accurately correspond to the real structure. Many phenomena, such as conductivity, magnetism and ferroelectric properties depend on very subtle structural properties of the inorganic compounds that display them. We don't compromise on the accuracy of the models that we make - all bond angles and lengths are accurately represented, so that you can measure the distance between two atoms in the model and directly relate that to the real distance in the structure (because of the 1cm=1Å scale, measuring the distance in cm immediately gives the real distance in Å). As a result of that accuracy and precision, the folds in the Cu-O ribbon layers in YBa2Cu3O6-δ are clearly visible in our models, the many crystal structures of ice are readily distinguished, and myriad other subtle structural features are brought out in our models, in a way that is simply not possible with models made from standard kits.


Whether you want the models for teaching, for displays or to recognise a colleague's achievements with a presentation gift, our inorganic structure models are the best available models of their kind. Using bright, vibrant coloured acrylic balls, they make an eye-catching sculptures with a quality that reflects the effort that went into the synthesis of the real material.

For presentations or prizes, we recommend that you consider having your inorganic structure model mounted on a base - this can transform its appearance from a nice-looking structure to a stunning centrepiece on a desk or in a lab. We can also include engraved plaques with your chosen inscription on.

These models can be enhanced by including extra features, such as highlighted unit cells, replaceable atoms - or we can simply make really large models, with large numbers of atoms.



A model showing the crystal structure of Rubidium-IV

A crystal structure model of the mineral Perovskite, CaTiO3


A large structure model of calcium iron titanate


A model showing the structure of the mineral spinel