Pictures of our molecular models and crystals structure models

Unfortunately, 2d images don't do any kind of justice to our molecular models - you really have to hold one in your hand to feel the quality and see the huge advantage that they have over the use of computer images of molecules and crystal structures. Nonetheless, we have a reasonable collection of photographs of our molecular models, crystal structure models, giant molecular models and other scientific models that we have made over the years for your enjoyment.

As we have so many images, they have been arranged in general categories, and clicking on a caergory image below will take you through to a page comprising images of that type of model. Some models fall into multiple categories - almost all minerals, for example, could equally well be classified as inorganic crystal structures, and many inorganic structures would be useful in teaching crystallography. But, while we've put some pictures into multiple categories, most are only located in the category where they would be most expected to be listed.

All images on these web pages are © Miramodus Ltd. However, you are very welcome to use the images for non-profit or educational purposes in accordance with our image use terms.

Lithium iron phosphate

Inorganic crystal structures

Molecule with granite base

Inorganic molecular models


Organic molecular models



Detail of a 3d-printed protein

3d-printed models

Space group Ia-3d

Crystallography models